The blog has been revivied!!!! After much troubleshhoting and employing ingenius password searching methods, I have managed to gain access to our blog's literary rights once again. To wtite on our blog please use blogger. The username and password are: and g****t*u. For those who cannot figure out what the password is please drop me an sms at 94360633. Unless you are Mian and wants to post emo stories. Good day!!!
Friday, July 31, 2009
1:14 PM
Dear Friends!
The blog has been revivied!!!! After much troubleshhoting and employing ingenius password searching methods, I have managed to gain access to our blog's literary rights once again. To wtite on our blog please use blogger. The username and password are: and g****t*u. For those who cannot figure out what the password is please drop me an sms at 94360633. Unless you are Mian and wants to post emo stories. Good day!!!